Briefing Your Temp
Your temp could just use up a spare corner of your office, muddle through an ill-explained job, leaving you with half-done tasks and a pile of queries and filing. Or they could be a fantastic extra resource bringing great skills and enthusiasm and buying you the time to get a job well done. Quite possibly this Jekyll and Hyde could be one and the same person.
That’s because using a decent recruitment consultancy and getting the right person for the job is only half the recipe. The other ingredient is what you do with them when they arrive at your office. So here are some tips to help your person to be a ‘Star Performer’

- To avoid wasting the first hour of the assignment, a little prep the day before goes a long way – sort out a desk, supplies, pc with log-in, email and any information they will need to do the job.
- Introduce them around so they know the team and, if you are not going to be their main point of contact, make sure they have one knowledgeable colleague who will be their buddy.
- Appoint someone to do the initial induction – legally you need to point out Health & Safety policy and procedures. Show them the office or building lay-out, fire exits, toilets and shared services, facilities, catering arrangements, if any.
- Make sure they are logged on and can use any equipment they will need e.g. how to uses the phones, transfer calls or take messages, photocopiers, scanners, etc.
- Brief them on the day’s or the week’s tasks if it is a short assignment, being clear about the outcomes you need. Ensure they take notes during the briefing and check their understanding. If it is a longer stint, such as maternity cover or a special project break down the tasks and introduce them as required over the first week or two.
- Encourage them to ask questions straightaway if they are unsure or to list questions as they go through the task which they can pick up when you are next free.
- Review their output during day one or on each new task so that you are confident of their understanding and the results. Touching base with them for a few minutes at regular intervals for the first day or so and being accessible if they need you saves a lot of time in the long run.
- For most people it is soul destroying to sit around and do nothing. So make sure they know who to ask for other work if they finish tasks faster than anticipated.
- If you use temps regularly it is worth keeping a hard copy or e.folder up to date with essential information so you don’t have to fish it out every time, e.g. company locations and staff list, company website address or brochures on the company business, house styles and templates, department structure and organisation, facilities, housekeeping and suppliers, key tasks and responsibilities, policies and procedures.
This only takes a bit of organisation and a few minutes a day and it does make a huge difference to the outcome. And if your person turns out to be a Star Performer, let your Love & Tate consultant know so we can reward them!
Please contact us if you have questions or clarifications.