Want A Job

Want A Job

Want A Job?

We will work closely with you and provide a personalised, supportive approach to make your applications successful. We’ll fully brief you, help you put your best effort forward at CV and interview stage, follow up and keep you posted on progress.

And we expect a few things from you, too.

Please ask us any questions you may have throughout your job search. Let us know if you ever have second thoughts, promptly tell us if you can’t make the interview and be straight with us on other potential job offers you have on the boil or counter offers from your existing employer.

That said, good luck with your job search, starting now!

How We Can Help

What we will (and won't) do to help you find the perfect position.

Your career is important – and we want to help you get that perfect next step. How do we do it? We treat you with the same level of care and respect that most recruitment companies reserve exclusively for their corporate clients.

We take the time to understand what’s behind your desire for a career move and what that move looks like to you. We are open about the market and your marketability. And we’ll take the time to answer questions and to help you see how to reach your full potential, whether it’s punching up the CV or filling a skills gap with training.
When we find a promising role, we will always brief you fully before the client interview, and check in with you promptly afterwards to find out how it went. In fact, when you start you’ll still hear from us regularly. If you are not happy, we’ll put it right.

We’ve built our reputation on treating people as people, not as commissions-in-waiting. Your Love & Tate consultant won’t waste your time with speculative opportunities or pressure you to apply for jobs that aren’t right for your skill set. We will never send you in to meet a client unprepared, or for a role that doesn’t feel like a good fit.
And we will certainly never drop you like a lead brick the moment the client decides to take a different direction.

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Temporary Work

Need a quick result? So do many of our client companies.

If you’re in the market for temporary or contract work, you’ll be wanting a quick result. Luckily, so do many of the companies we recruit for.

Have a look at our current open assignments and register your interest by sending us your CV with a short note explaining your interest and what you are looking for. We’ll contact you to discuss your needs – and how we can help.

When you start work with Love & Tate, you are one of a highly regarded team of professional support staff. Assignment length may be a week, a month, or a year. No matter which, our clients generally expect you to hit the ground running, so you need to have up-to-date skills and a flexible, ‘can-do attitude to get the best from your ‘temping’ or freelance career.

We specialise in a whole spectrum of office administration and business professional roles.

And for a variety of clients – maybe a global organisation, a great UK brand, a professional firm, a well-known charity, an innovative start up or simply the nice company down the street. They all want your best effort though. Are you up to the challenge? We want to hear from you.

Permanent Jobs

Let us find the perfect role for your next career move.

Only one in every two billion people will live to be 116 or older. For the rest of us, life’s too short to stay in a job that’s no longer doing it for us.

We act on behalf of many companies that are household names within a variety of sectors – financial services, energy, commercial, media, and professional firms. If going global is not your thing, we represent many smaller independent firms, not-for-profit organisations and innovative start- ups.

As to the type of opportunity – have a look at our Areas of Recruitment Expertise to see if we might have the right role for you. In the past year, we’ve recruited for roles across a basic salary range from £20k to £110k per year. You can search for jobs or contact us to find out how we can help you find the job you’ve been dreaming about.

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Recommend A friend

Tell us about a candidate or company in need of our services, and we'll give you vouchers to say 'thanks'.

If you like the service you’ve received from Love & Tate, please tell your friends, family, or business colleagues – whether they are looking for their next move or looking to recruit.

As a thank you, we’ll send you a store voucher for recommending a friend who starts work with us or for introducing a client company. You may be very popular or simply a great networker, but when you recommend five people we’ll treat you to a night on the town.

If you are looking for a job, we are here to help you.